Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Missing Kuduts

Kudut 1
Don't be fooled by the chubby cheek

Kudut 2

Kudut is a term i always use to describe someone who is thin... skin and bones. Well both my little ones.... belongs to kudut group as with my hubby. I'm missing my little kuduts who are right now in melaka. They'll be staying there till december. My mom needs to stay in her home as cik non will be doing her pilgrimage in november. But don't worry my lil' kuduts... mommy will be coming home this friday... sob... sob...ayah will be in kulim... hehehehe carik duit sebab nak maintain mommy.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder

I'm dedicating this blog to my beautiful lil' princess whom at 2++ years understand she wants to look beautiful. Who always watching her mum in front of the mirror slapping all kind of creams... just so she could have beautiful skin... watching that when she found abu ubat nyamuk, excitedly applying them on her face. Bless her.

The intelligent lil' girl who managed to drag a chair to a cabinet to get her grandmother's SK-II signature cream and lather the cream on the marble floor. My mom was not happy of course.. the RM400++ cream is now half full.